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Video Description - Exceptional Scholars
Please note this video contains only music with neither narration nor descriptive audio.
Inspiration piano music plays.
The Fox Family Foundation logo, a white fox sitting on top of the words, “Fox Family Foundation” in white letters appears over a black background.
A title page in mint green over black announces the fund “Exceptional Scholars”.
Beneath it, a subtitle reads: “The Problem… Education and employment barriers for visually impaired people.”
A young African-American girl’s hands are shown reading Braille.
A title reads: “Grantees use… early intervention…”
A special education teacher helps a blind teenager construct a model.
The titles continue: “Adaptive pedagogy…”
A technician works with a 3-d model.
Title reads: “3-D printing”
A silhouette of graduates waiving their caps.
Title reads: “To help ensure that more blind and low vision students graduate from high school and college.”
Video: A man’s face in shadow wearing sunglasses.
Title reads: “To help ensure the 70% of blind people and low vision people who are unemployed.”
A gentleman sits on a train holding a white cane.
Title reads: “Can enter the workforce”
A visually impaired man wearing a hoodie and sunglasses works at a computer.
Title reads: “In jobs about which they are passionate, but often excluded, such as STEM careers”
A young girl with glasses pumps her fist holding a diploma.
Title reads: “With sight, we see…”
The girl, now a college graduate, smiles outside in her graduation cap.
Title reads: “With insight, we achieve.”